Legal Forms

Legal Forms in The Netherlands

In the Netherlands there are various legal forms such as a one-man business, a private limited company (BV), a partnership or a limited partnership. They essentially fall into two categories: legal structures with and without corporate personality.

Incorporating a legal structure with corporate personality requires a notarial deed. The company should also be registered at the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (CoC). One of the characteristics of a legal structure without legal personality is that the owner will be personally liable for the debt of the company. It must also be taken into consideration that different tax regimes apply for the various legal forms.

Thinking of starting a new business in the Netherlands but not sure about the legal form? Or thinking of changing the legal form of your current business? We can discuss the pros and cons of the various legal forms and put you in contact with a civil-law notary if required.

What can we do for you?

Curious about what we can do for you? Or do you have more questions about legal forms? Please contact us, we will be happy to helping you out!

mr Guido Lenstra

Director | Tax advisor